
4 Benefits of Moving Constituent Services Online

As more municipalities and agencies make services available online, it’s not always inherently clear what the long-term benefits to their constituents will be. Digitizing what has formerly been paperwork-heavy, in-person processes requires a big upfront investment. Fortunately, there are equal upsides that will increase constituent satisfaction and improve staff workflows.

Faster Processing and Shorter Wait Times

Busy professionals appreciate not having to make a phone call or an appearance in person if they have an expectation of completing it online. When a constituent can verify receipt of payment for property taxes, view the status of a bill, or upload an updated permit pack, that’s one less phone call or visit to a permit office they must make (to say nothing of wait times in a phone queue). Freeing up valuable time for your staff enables them to process all those requests and payments much faster.

Uncover Metrics to Improve Constituent Interaction

A transition to cloud computing and mobile apps puts data in the hands of stakeholders immediately. That data can then inform those stakeholders where and how to adjust spending or tweak programs, which could save departments money while improving constituent relations.

Increased Transparency and Trust

Constituents want, and need, transparency from government agencies and municipalities. The more they have access to announcements, records, and more, the better their overall experience. For example, if there is a reason for a delay, being notified by email (and then being able to log into a portal to view any critical information or requests) makes constituents feel much more in control of, and served by, the overall process.

Scale Programs Quickly and Efficiently

COVID has demonstrated how suddenly and overwhelmingly demand can hit agencies. As states around the country struggled to process millions of unemployment applications, those same agencies quickly acknowledged and recognized the need to improve aging systems, automate and digitize the application process, and provide a fast and easy way for applicants to verify application and payment status. Even when COVID abates, agencies need to think about how to scale and future-proof operations for the next emergency. Third-party software providers have both the scale and infrastructure capacity to absorb that level of demand more quickly.

Scale Online Operations Quickly with FastTrackGov® 

FastTrackGov (FTG) is a robust cloud solution that empowers your citizens to connect with your office in faster and easier ways, while improving your team’s overall efficiency and job satisfaction. By increasing the flexibility of how citizens can contact and interact with your office, you create a more transparent process that enables all stakeholders to track every stage of a process.

Our team can work with yours to best outline what elements of your workflows can be streamlined, preparing your agency or municipality for a paperless future. Our intuitive interfaces ensure seamless training and easy end-user experiences. We also take encryption and user security seriously, keeping personal and sensitive information safe.

FTG integrates with many of the most popular and widely used agency platforms, including OpenGov, OnBase, Socrata, and more.

We’re standing by to help you discover how to innovate and improve your online experience. Contact us today to schedule a demo.