
Critical Advantages of Cloud-Based Software

Cloud computing has become a much broader topic of discussion in the hybrid work/work-from-home era. The need to keep your team connected securely isn’t going anywhere. In fact, keeping them working cooperatively, while making it easier for your stakeholders to engage with your services and products, is the new must for almost every service-based agency or company on the planet.

Software as a Service (SaaS) technologies have accelerated because they offer faster and less expensive integration, broad customizable feature sets, and improved security. When you fold in the ability for anyone to access the same data or products from anywhere, it is even clearer why cloud software has become the norm.

Improved Cost Efficiency 

Depending upon how old you are, you may remember when every shop or every department had to hire at least one, or more, database and software administrators for each discrete system. In addition to hiring and keeping that talent on staff, your servers typically were all stored on-site. Even when we made the brief leap to colocation (your servers stored and managed at an offsite server farm), you still had to invest in—and upgrade—your own physical hardware.

Cloud and SaaS models essentially free your organization from the responsibility of physical upkeep. You also don’t have to maintain software, update operating systems, and deal with security patches. We take care of the maintenance, allowing your team to focus on your stakeholders.

Remote, Secure Access Without Headaches 

Cloud-based platforms are ideal for remote teams and internet-connected customers. With a secure internet connection, cloud computing enables any user to access interfaces and accounts on their own schedule. You can also work with your partner to establish the right security parameters and encryption to keep private data secure.

We’re here to make your environment more paperless, automated, secure, and easy to use. We’ve worked with hundreds of municipalities in our nearly five decades of business. Ready to get started? Connect with us today for a customized demo.