Established in 1987, the Mitchell Humphrey User Group (MHUG) is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose members use the FMS accounting software solution and/or the FastTrackGov® (FTG) system. MHUG offers a forum for ideas, feedback and FMS/FTG system enhancements. In fact, a significant percentage of the system enhancements packaged in new releases of the FMS/FTG systems come directly as a result of MHUG member requests received individually throughout the year and accumulated during the annual MHUG Conference.
MHUG Membership Information
All Mitchell Humphrey clients are eligible for MHUG membership and major benefits of a MHUG membership include:
- Open forum for opinions, comments, and suggestions with annual opportunity to submit enhancement requests for review by fellow MHUG members.
- Voting privileges on the submitted FMS/FTG enhancement requests to determine final list submitted to Mitchell Humphrey following each annual MHUG Conference.
- Networking with other FMS/FTG users.
- Discounts on annual MHUG Conference registration fees for any employee attending.
New clients receive their first year of membership free of charge. Thereafter, annual dues are $600 per client site. If you have questions about your current MHUG membership or about becoming a MHUG member, please contact Maria Galarza-Murray, Membership Chair/Secretary, at 212-408-5049 or
To learn more, download our one-sheeter.
Use this form to submit an FMS software enhancement request.
Annual MHUG Conference
Held in the Fall of each year, the MHUG conference features 3.5 days of informational and educational sessions, and social events designed to provide FMS and FTG system users with a chance to meet and discuss how they are using the software to accommodate their unique needs.
Save the date! The MHUG 2024 Virtual Conference will be October 29-31. Details coming soon.
MHUG Board Bio’s
Chairperson – Cristen Christensen
Cristen is the Finance Director for St. Louis County in Duluth, Minnesota. She is responsible for managing all the financial operations of the County. St. Louis has been using all modules of FMS since 2004. As Chair, Cristen takes the lead role in organizing and facilitating conference activities and the annual planning meeting with assistance from the board. The Chair position is also responsible for executing contracts and is typically the first point of contact for vendor interaction. This position is elected every three years by a vote from the user group members.
Phone: 218-726-2151
Vice Chairperson – Loretta Hicks
Loretta is the Chief Accountant for Jefferson County Department of Health in Birmingham, Alabama. She oversees the Accounting, Purchasing, Vital Records and Mailroom departments. Loretta is responsible for the database administration of FMS at JCDH and has been a user since 2012.
Phone: 205-930-1566
Secretary/Membership – Maria Galarza-Murray
Maria is Senior Vice President & Corporate Controller for Sentinel Real Estate Corporation in New York, New York. She oversees the corporate accounting, property accounts payable & facilities departments. In addition, she coordinates the implementation of various financial electronic applications within the finance groups. Maria has been responsible for the database administration of the FMS system since implementation in 2000.
Phone: 212-408-5049
Treasurer – Julio Elizondo
Julio is the Chief Financial Officer for Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG), a political subdivision of the state of Texas, located in San Antonio, Texas. He oversees the financial activities of the organization, including all internal and external financial reporting. Julio has been with the agency for six and a half years, previously serving as the Budget Officer, and Director of Accounting. AACOG has been using FMS since 2013.
Phone: 210-362-5294