FastTrackGov Implementation for Douglas County, MN
A New Partnership
We recently created a partnership with the Land & Resource Management department, Auditor’s office, and the Public Works department in Douglas County, MN to help them optimize their processes through a phased approach to FastTrackGov implementation. The goal of the project was to create efficiency for employees and bring greater convenience to citizens and contractors working in the area.
First, the Land & Resource Management department rolled out a customized permitting system using FastTrackGov, which was developed specifically to fit their needs for County Board reporting.
Now, citizens are able to effortlessly apply online for their permits instead of having to appear in person at the Land & Resource Management office.
Second, both the Land & Resource Management department and Auditor’s office have implemented FastTrackGov Licensing software. Now, Land & Resource Management business contractors are able to conveniently apply online for their annual licenses, which in turn helps reduce licensing processing time. In the future, they will be able to easily renew their licenses each year through the online system. In addition, the departments were able to streamline the Resident Auctioneer licenses for the Auditor’s office by allowing auctioneers the same convenience of applying for and renewing licenses online.
Finally, the Public Works department implemented FastTrackGov’s Permitting system for multiple permit types. This allows citizens and contractors to apply online for their permits, replacing the ink-and-paper process that had to be completed by mail or in person.
As a result of the new software, the entire licensing process in Douglas County was overhauled to create efficiency for employees and citizens—eliminating time-consuming trips to government offices and allowing employees to process applications faster. With less time spent receiving applications in person, employees are now able to focus more on processing and serving citizens with more complex needs. For Douglas County, FastTrackGov made it easier for government employees and citizens to interact.